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The Programme Committee


Continuous Improvement and Quality Enhancement and Assurance


We use a variety of self-evaluation processes throughout our courses. The Programme Committee is chaired by the Programme Leader and is dedicated to continuous improvement and to the further enhancement of the student experience.  Typical examples of self-evaluation include end of course feedback and our ‘open door’ approach to discussion. Where appropriate, we adopt a student-centred approach to course design, assessment and teaching.


We also employ formal university quality assurance procedures such as the National Student Survey (NSS) and Annual Monitoring Report (AMR). Last session, we received a 96% satisfaction rating of Excellent from our departing students. This is higher than the national average.


Our External Examiner visits us formally twice per year to moderate our provision, support and assessment.


Leadership and Management of The Programme


The leadership and management of the programme falls under the remit of The Programme Committee. We have an additional Technology Craft Sub-committee which monitors the quality of skills and knowledge delivered through our learning partner, Clyde Glasgow College. Further communication with our student population is formalised through the Staff and Student Liaison Committee.















                                     Fig. 1. Illustration of the programme leadership structure.


External Advisory Sub-Committee


This year, we have established a new External Advisory Sub-Committee with representatives from schools, Education Scotland, Further Education and industry. Curriculum for Excellence and the on-going changes to the national qualifications will  realise new curricular arrangements within secondary schools, and requires new and innovative pedagogy for teaching and learning.


It is essential that students entering the profession are equipped and skilled to teach effectively within the broad general education and the senior phase curriculum, whilst contributing to the ethos of the school and taking responsibility for their own career long professional learning. The remit and scope of this group is to identify and discuss programme development items to further align the programme to the new national curriculum within schools.


Specifically, it is the aim of this group to:


  • provide a link between the Degree Programme, schools and other partners;

  • give input to the continuous improvement strategy and development of programme courses;

  • illustrate the challenges and opportunities arising from the new National Qualifications (NQs);

  • identify opportunities to establish and maintain partnerships with schools, industry, commerce and third sector organisations;

  • provide support for the process of recruitment and admissions to the programme; 

  • any other requirement as agreed by the sub-committee.

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